Education For Financial Advice

Together with Kaplan Professional, IFS has developed an educational framework for advisers within superannuation funds.

Why Us?

As a leading advice services business serving super funds in Australia, we recognise that funds are needing to rethink their education and advice offering in response to the Retirement Income Covenant and the Quality of Advice Review (QAR). In response, we have joined forces with Kaplan Professional to identify what those needs are when it comes to developing and increasing the supply of talent to fill the growing need for specialist service roles.

We identified an opportunity to develop an educational framework for super funds that encompasses a progression pathway from entry-level call centre positions to practitioners offering personal advice. IFS considered what learning outcomes are required to enable specific roles. We focused on establishing the right mix of client engagement skills as well as technical and regulatory compliance training required to be proficient.

How this partnership works

Teaming up with Kaplan Professional, a leading provider of financial services education, we aim to revolutionise financial advice academic opportunities with:

  • IFS’ deep understanding of what super funds need, and where there are gaps in advice offerings today. Furthermore, we can build the framework into our broader range of consultancy and service offerings.
  • Kaplan’s comprehensive insights and knowledge as a respected training organisation that has a long history of working with the advice and superannuation industries, in both the delivery of accreditations and Continuing Professional Development (CPD) training.
  • The focus on client engagement and ethics training relevant to specific roles makes this offering unique, which in turn will make onboarding training more efficient for funds.
  • The recognition of prior learning (e.g. ASFA training) and entry pathways as part of this framework, looking to how the qualified adviser model and financial planner qualification can be linked back to roles within the advice industry.

Desired outcomes

In our efforts to further develop talent within the advice space, our partnership with Kaplan Professional offers:

  • Tailored educational offerings for super funds in efforts to reduce maturity time of new staff.
  • Opportunities and strategies that funds can leverage amidst the new reforms being introduced by the QAR. With this, IFS will be offering solutions to support qualified advisers.
  • An established committee to enable super funds to influence the future direction of educational material to ensure they remain relevant.

Specialised offerings

The learning solutions within this partnership will be specific to:

Specialist call centre and service roles

General advisers

Quality advisers

(including the yet to be finalised qualified advisers' proposition)

IFS will also be able to recommend and offer elective subjects that will build upon specific expertise in niche areas of focus when required.

Our goal is to strike the right balance, ensuring a quality benchmark that is both attainable and cost-effective for super funds at scale.

Learn more about our educational offering with Kaplan Professional, get in touch with the IFS Advice team.  
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